Pages to Include on Your Business Website


A business website provides information about your company, your mission, and your services. Regardless of your website’s design, including a few basic pages will ensure your site is appealing, navigable, and informative for all.

About Page

The “About” page on your website provides consumers with more information about who you are and what you do. This is also a great place to connect with your visitors on a personal level, so don’t be afraid to imbue this section with a little personality. However, make sure to keep your “About” page informative—it’s often the first place visitors to your site will click on and should provide a fair representation of the image you want to project.

Services Page

While your “About” page is a good starting point for clients to get to know your company, your “Services” page is a place where visitors on your site can learn more about the services you provide. Because this is the lifeblood of your business, it’s often a good idea to create a “Services” page that functions as a directory, including links to more specific information about each service or product that you provide. The easier it is to find out about what your business does, the more attractive consumers will find your site.

Contact Page

Your business’s “Contact” page is a basic necessity on the web. On this page, you should list one or more ways you prefer to be contacted, whether via email, phone, or standard mail. This is also a good place to include driving directions if you have a storefront. You can also choose to include a web contact form on this page, making it even easier for potential customers or those with questions to reach you for more details.

If you need help developing or maintaining your company website, Anchor Wave has the expertise and tools to help you manage this essential task. You can take a look through our website or reach us by phone at (480) 331-8920 in Phoenix or (520) 622-3731 in Tucson for more details about our web design solutions.

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